You have to fit to these requirements to join our clan;

Finally our clan decides whether we accept you or not:


1. You always have to be polite, fair and tolerant (optionally funny).

2. Do not seek dispute here.

3. Do not use any sort of cheats or hacks.

4. Respect everybody as he or she is.

5. You have to be at least 18 years old. If we find out that you're not after you joined us, you will be kicked.

6. We ask you to use the JssY-Tag everywhere (Xfire as well as in-game; examples: [JssY]name,, |JssY|name...)

7. You can only be a member of The Janissaries while not being member of any other clan at the same time. You can leave them before joining us.

8. Being inactive for three or more months leads to exclusion from The Janissaries. Better make sure to tell us if you're going somewhere.

9. You will have to be at least a member for six months before you can receive any rights to kick or ban - after The-Janissaries-administration agreed to do so.